Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sample Page Ideas an Layouts

Imitation Social Democrat

From looking at the supporters of the theory earlier it showed that red is also a large part for the Social Democrat appearance. The cloths they were are slightly smarter that those that support the communist theory so this could be the way to differentiate between the two. is the smarter dress sence due to the fact they do not seek to overthrow capitalism but make it fairer?

Imitation Communist

Using the red bandanna as a recognizable marker this would work as long as i keep the cloths looking unextravagant it could be a way to distinguish the communist from other personality's.

Imitation Anarchist

maybe a bit of a obvious image but this is how a lot of modern anarchists present them selves i think i need to look for a more philosophical style for this personality.

Time Share

The Selection Process

Cover Idea Sketch 2

A more rough and cut scrap book covered in stickers could be the way to go...

Symbols For Each Political Belief?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Totalitarian Uniform

The images i have chosen to represent the totalitarian uniform may surprise you but if you think about it fashion is uses ideology to make shore every one stays as one. and for this project i have to be impartial to the theory's so why cant a totalitarian be something different to a white pride supporter.

Thatcherist Uniform

the most conservative so far Thatcherist strive to keep up there appearances and have a decidedly middle class look to about them. again no colour attached to this uniform

Conservative liberalism

Smarter more conservatively dressed with a liberal flair as you would expect. No color seem to be repeating its self.

Social democracy Uniform

the social democracy uniform tends to be slightly smarter than previous examples. It still has that feeling of equality among the people. Red is also used within this political practice.

Communist Uniform

Again color is playing a part in the uniform with Communism using red as there color. Something that may be surprising to a lot of people communist are not all dressed military uniforms. The revolution was for the people so a lot of the clothing will be stranded issue workers clothing.